Use PageSentry to make PowerKey® an integral part of your Internet and Intranet solutions. PageSentry, the Internet Server Monitor from Maxum Development, will Monitor Any Server, Anywhere On The Internet and tell PowerKey to restart your server(s) when you can't be there.
We hope you'll take the time to try PageSentry! As an incentive we're giving PowerKey customers a discount of $50 off the normal list price of $149. The $50 discount is also good on PageSentry Pro, normally $395.
In this folder you will find:
PageSentry 2.0 (68K version)
Getting Started Users Guide
PowerKey Pro & PageSentry
Additional AppleScripts
Read Me (QuickStart)
Order Form
How PageSentry Works
PageSentry not only monitors the pages on your Web (HTTP) server, but you can monitor e-mail (SMTP), FTP, Telnet, and Domain Name (DNS) servers as well. All of these protocols are tested at the highest level possible to verify your whole server, not just the operating system or TCP/IP stack.
Setting up PageSentry is easy, and is done in three simple steps.
1) Create Sentries in Seconds
Creating a Sentry is as simple as giving it a name, telling it where and when to go and what to look for. "Frequency" allows you to select how often PageSentry will test your server. "Check URL" is the specific page to be tested (in exactly the same form as you would use to access the page from a Web browser). "Verify Phrase" is any word or phrase in your Web page that PageSentry will look for to verify that the page is being served with the right content. "User Name" and "Password" allow PageSentry to monitor password protected Web pages.
With PageSentry, you can create up to 10 Sentries, each of which can monitor different protocols on several machines, the same protocol on one machine, or any combination in between. With PageSentry Pro, you can create up to 100 Sentries from a single Macintosh, making it perfect for Internet Service Providers or large organizations with many servers.
2) Notifiers give you all the flexibility you need
Once you have defined the test PageSentry will be performing, you use Notifiers to contact you when your server(s) fail.
Each Notifier will have a name, as well as information on what to do when a server fails. Creating a Notifier to send you mail when problems occur is as simple as entering your e-mail address and the name of your e-mail server. PageSentry can notify you in almost any way imaginable by sending a message to an AppleEvent aware program. The PageSentry package comes complete with example AppleScripts to send alphanumeric pages, automatically restart your server with your PowerKey Pro, and more.
Notifiers can even be scheduled to perform their actions at certain times of the day or days of the week. So, for example, you could have "Bob" notified of problems by e-mail during business hours, but "Mike" could get messages on evenings and weekends by pager. You can even send a notification 30 minutes later to "Dean" just in case "Bob" or "Mike" don't get the message. Or you might decide to have PageSentry just restart the server automatically in the evening and on the weekends when no one is available.
With the ability to create up to 10 Notifiers, PageSentry lets you create a notification schedule that meets your needs, and the needs of your whole organization. For organizations with many support people or extremely complicated notification needs, PageSentry Pro lets you create up to 100 Notifiers.
3) Start up PageSentry and forget about it
Once you have created your Sentries and assigned them Notifiers, just let PageSentry run. It will carry out it's tests periodically and warn you the minute it detects a problem.
To take advantage of this offer, fill out the simple order form and fax it, mail it or call direct. Full instructions are on the form.
Come visit us to find out more
For more information, visit the PageSentry home page at: "". Also, check out the Maxum home page at "" for information on Maxum's complete line of Internet tools.